so i grew up in life with three options i could either be a doctor a lawyer or a failure those were literally the things that were available to me and at the time that i got inspired to think like a monk for the first time in my life when.
i was 18 i was dealing with all the natural pressures of life what job are you going to have how are you going to make money who are you going to date who your friends going to be what will my parents say what will people think of me these were all the natural pressures that i experienced.
so i literally turned down my job offers traded my suits for robes traded my comfy bed for sleeping on the floor and traded my what i thought very fashionable closet for having two sets of robes so now my life had completely changed i was living out of a gym locker it was truly a different experience but here's the thing you don't have to live like a monk to think like a monk you don't have to shave your hair you don't have to wear robes you don't have to go and sit on a mountain top or order yoga pants of amazon or any of that kind of stuff all you need to do is open your mind to a new set of ideas thoughts and values so this is really a mindset change rather than a lifestyle change i believe that the wisdom in this book is completely.
universal and timeless and applicable to each and every single one of us the book shares practices and techniques and tools that monks live by that anyone and everyone can put into practice right now starting today so here's the way i look at it if you wanted to learn how to play basketball you'd want to learn from michael jordan or lebron james if you want to know about business maybe you'd go to jeff bezos or warren buffett if you wanted to learn about tennis you'd probably go to roger federer but what if you wanted to master the mind you'd have to go to monks because monks scientifically have the happiest calmest and most focused brains on the planet of any human now all of us live in our minds.
it's said that we have 70 to 80 000 thoughts per day and 80 of those are negative what do we do with those negative thoughts thinking like a monk helps us reflect clarify and make decisions with ease it helps us remove the fears that are blocking us reduce the anxiety and the pressure and actually start creating a life that we find passionate and that we find purposeful you